New Testament

Son of David, Son of Promise, Son of God - Matthew 1

  • Posted on: 24 December 2018
  • By: joebeard


            Christmas is almost upon us, in just two days the day which we have set aside to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ will arrive.  As I began studying this week for this morning three themes kept jumping out at me that were prophecies in the Old Testament that had to be fulfilled in the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ for Him to be the promised Messiah, the Deliverer that was to come.

The Final Judgment - Revelation 20:7-15

  • Posted on: 4 September 2018
  • By: joebeard


            Last Sunday I ended my message by talking about the millennial kingdom in which the Lord Jesus Christ will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.  He will take the throne and rule and reign from the capital city of His kingdom, Jerusalem, and the saints will rule with Him.

            John does not spend a lot of time describing the millennium for us, and he does not need to because a careful study of the Old Testament prophets and even the Psalms reveal everything that God wants us to know about the millennium.
