New Testament

Justified Saints Under Grace - Romans 7:1-6

  • Posted on: 8 October 2019
  • By: joebeard


            For two weeks we have been out of the book of Romans looking at two other passages that deal with our sanctification, that process where the Holy Spirit who indwells us matches our behavior to the positional righteousness that we have in Christ due to being forgiven and justified by God because we came in faith to Jesus Christ for salvation.      

The Reign of Death - Romans 5:12-14

  • Posted on: 13 August 2019
  • By: joebeard


            Romans 5:12-21 is by many considered to be the most difficult passage in the book of Romans.  We are only going to look at the introduction to this passage this morning and then we will tackle the rest of it next week.  I believe that the basic truths that Paul wants us to understand are simple and clear and that is what we are going to look at.  I am not going to try and delve into the complexities that the theologians debate, but we will look at what Paul says to us.

Making Disciples - Matthew 28:18-20

  • Posted on: 13 August 2019
  • By: joebeard


            Last Sunday we briefly looked at a passage of Scripture in regards to baptism.  This morning I would like to look at it a little more in depth and what it has to say with regards to missions, since that is our focus this morning.  Turn in your Bibles to Matthew 28:18-20.  Please follow along as I read these words of Jesus.

     Matthew 28:18-20,
