New Testament

The Faith of Abraham - Romans 4:18-25

  • Posted on: 22 July 2019
  • By: joebeard


            The last four weeks you have been in the book of 1 Peter with Brian, this morning we are going to go back to Romans.  There will be some other opportunities for Brian to finish up his series on 1 Peter.  This morning we are going back to Romans 4 where we left off, we had gone through verse 17. 

Abraham - Justified By Faith (Romans 4:1-8)

  • Posted on: 28 May 2019
  • By: joebeard


            John MacArthur in the introduction to Romans chapter four in his commentary writes, “If there is any doctrine that the chief enemy of man and of God desires to undercut and distort, it is the doctrine of salvation.  If Satan can cause confusion and error in regard to that doctrine, he has succeeded in keeping men in their sin and under divine judgment and condemnation, which the unredeemed will one day share with Satan and his demonic angels in the eternal torment of hell.”[1]

God Glorified in the Cross (Romans 3:25b-31)

  • Posted on: 21 May 2019
  • By: joebeard


            When you and I think of the cross and the death of the Lord Jesus Christ we look at it from man’s point of view. We look at it from what we gain from Christ’s death, we look at Jesus as our Savior, that He died for sinners. He died for our salvation, He died so our sins can be forgiven, He died so that we can have eternal life.  He died to rescue us from judgment and hell.  All of these things are true, and they should bring us great joy and peace and we should celebrate what the cross means for us.
