New Testament

The Bad News Concerning Judgment - Part 4 (Romans 2:1-16)

  • Posted on: 19 March 2019
  • By: joebeard


            Today begins our fourth week in this passage of Scripture, a passage I had hoped to finish in one week, but God had other plans.  Paul has packed a lot of information into these 16 verses and it is important truth that cannot be taken lightly but must be carefully studied and understood in the light of the rest of Scripture so that it is not misinterpreted.

The Bad News - Part 3 (Romans 1:24-32)

  • Posted on: 19 February 2019
  • By: joebeard


            This is our third week looking at the bad news of the gospel and we have not even gotten out of the first chapter.  We still have most of two chapters to go before we finish the bad news.  I am going to do my best to get us to the end of the first chapter today.  The end of this first chapter, our passage for this morning is possibly the most terrifying part of the bad news.

The Bad News - Part 1 (Romans 1:18-21)

  • Posted on: 5 February 2019
  • By: joebeard


            Last week we looked at the theme of the book of Romans in chapter 1, verses 16-17.  I said that if you get nothing else out of the book of Romans understand the incredible truth that righteousness comes from God through faith in Jesus Christ.  This is the only way that we can be made right before God and be saved from sin and the eternal punishment of the lake of fire.
