New Testament

Eternal Security - Part 2 (Romans 8:28)

  • Posted on: 24 March 2020
  • By: joebeard


            In Romans 8:28 we have a wonderful promise made by God to Christians, it is a promise of eternal security, or once saved always saved.  This promise can easily be divided into four parts: first, knowing we are secure; second, our security in all things; third, those who are eternally secure; and fourth, the source of our security.

Adopted Sons - Part 2 (Romans 8:14-16)

  • Posted on: 4 February 2020
  • By: joebeard


            Last Sunday we began looking at three more verses in Romans 8 and only got through the first one.  This morning I want to look at the next two verses that we did not get to last week.  In these three verses Paul uses the picture of adoption to show our close and permanent relationship with God the Father as His beloved children.

Adopted Sons - Part 1 (Romans 8:14-16)

  • Posted on: 28 January 2020
  • By: joebeard


            We have journeyed through the first 13 verses of Romans 8 so far.  This morning we are going to begin to look at 3 more.  In the three verses that we will begin to look at this morning Paul will use the idea of adoption to explain to us our close and permanent relationship to God the Father as His well-loved sons.  As we move into this passage, I think that it would be good for us to understand the word adoption from the Roman perspective, because it is in this sense that Paul uses it.
