New Testament

The Spirit-Controlled Life - Part 2 (Romans 12:9-13)

  • Posted on: 9 January 2021
  • By: joebeard


            Last Sunday we returned to Romans 12 after a month of examining the incarnation of Jesus Christ from four different passages of Scripture.  We only got through one verse, so we return to the passage we began going through last week, verses 9-13, the first half of a new section in this chapter.  In this final section Paul gives us some 25 exhortations that should be exemplified in the life of a disciplined, Spirit-controlled, obedient Christian.

The Perfect Humility of Christmas (Philippians 2:5-8)

  • Posted on: 19 December 2020
  • By: joebeard


            Have you noticed how early people began decorating for Christmas this year?  When it is not raining, I walk to the church and when I leave it is dark and I was amazed at how many Christmas trees I could see through house windows right after Thanksgiving.  We had one house in our cul-de-sac that had their tree up before Thanksgiving.  Why?  I think partly because people are home more, but more than that I think because they want to focus on something that brings them happiness and memories of happier times in the midst of this pandemic.

One Body: Unity in Diversity - Part 2 (Romans 12:6-8)

  • Posted on: 14 November 2020
  • By: joebeard


            This morning I plan to finish up the first section of Romans 12, verses 1-8.  Then for the next two weeks Dr. Vern Wilkinson will be here doing a two-part series from the book of Philippians.  Then we will be into the first week of December and I will be doing some messages on the first advent of Jesus Christ and His incarnation for the month of December.  Then in January we will return again to Romans and finish up chapter 12 and continue on towards the end of the book.
