New Testament

The First Four Trumpet Judgments - Revelation 8:6-13

  • Posted on: 7 November 2017
  • By: joebeard


            Last Sunday we watched as the seventh and final seal on the scroll was broken, the scroll which Jesus Christ, the only worthy One, had taken from the hand of God the Father.  As the Lord Jesus Christ broke that final seal and the scroll unrolled, all heaven grew silent for about half an hour.  This silence was the result of the reality of the judgment and destruction that was seen written on the scroll, heaven falls silent as they wait, and they fall silent in awe of what God is about to do.  This silence was like the lull before the storm.

An Interlude - Revelation 7:1-17

  • Posted on: 24 October 2017
  • By: joebeard


            The question has been raised by many students of the Bible, will there be people saved after the rapture of the church?  Will people be saved during the Tribulation period?  Last week we already answered that question when John saw the souls of those martyred for their faith in Christ under the altar in heaven.

Laodicea - The Church that was Lukewarm - Revelation 3:14-22

  • Posted on: 29 August 2017
  • By: joebeard


            This morning we come to the final letter that Jesus dictated to John.  It is with some sadness that we finish these letters to the churches, these letters contain the last words of Jesus to the church before the close of the canon of Scripture.  I encourage you in the next couple of weeks to go back over these letters and prayerfully consider what is the Spirit says to the churches, what the Spirit is saying to you from these letters.

Sardis - The Church that was Dead - Revelation 3:1-6

  • Posted on: 7 August 2017
  • By: joebeard


            This morning we begin the fifth of the seven letters dictated by our Lord to the apostle John.  These letters were written to seven churches in Asia Minor that were in existence at the time when John recorded them, but they have significance for the church in all ages.  Last week we finished up chapter two and this morning we begin chapter three.
