New Testament

Warning - The Lord Is Coming - Jude 14-19

  • Posted on: 17 November 2016
  • By: joebeard


            We have been going through the book of Jude and this morning is our third look at what Jude has to say to us.  Next Sunday we will depart from Jude to celebrate Village Missions Sunday and then the following week we will return to Jude and finish it up and that will bring us into December and we will focus on the incarnation of the Lord Jesus.

The True Faith - Jude 1-3

  • Posted on: 31 October 2016
  • By: joebeard


            Last Sunday we came to a convenient place to take a break in the book of Genesis.  So, for the next several weeks we will be in the book of Jude, then on November 20 we will celebrate Village Missions Sunday and then finish the book of Jude the following week and that will take us into the month of December and we will focus on the incarnation culminating on Christmas Day which falls on a Sunday this year.  In the new year, we will return to Genesis and finish up the book with the life of Joseph.
