Sorrow in the Life of the Believer - Genesis 35:16-29
We all at one time or another have gotten or at least thought about getting revenge. Paul wrote in our Scripture reading this morning that we are not to get revenge, but instead allow God to deal out vengeance on those who have sinned against us, but that is a hard command to follow because there is nothing like the sweet taste of revenge to my old self.
Three Sundays ago we left Jacob with everything and Laban going home empty-handed, but with a promise that Jacob would not come and harm him. Jacob had burned that bridge, he could not return to the land of his relatives; the border had been laid and the covenant ratified. Now there was no going back and as Jacob looks to the future he must think about Esau. What will be Esau’s reaction to his return, will he remember why Jacob fled; will he still want to get his revenge for Jacob deceiving him and his father to get the birthright and the blessing?
Two Sundays ago we left Jacob as he fled from Haran with his family and with all that God had blessed him. He had left secretly without telling Laban and while Laban was away shearing sheep. Jacob was afraid of Laban, was afraid that if Laban knew he would prevent Jacob from leaving or would take away everything that God had given him and send him away empty-handed. Jacob must learn that whom he is fearing is not to be feared, because what God has provided, He will also protect. Jacob must learn the object of his fear must be God and God alone.
(Come down the aisle hitting two sticks together.) Have Kevin ask: “What are you doing?” Keeping the cougars away. Kevin says: “There are no cougars in here.” Works, doesn’t it.