Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out - Part 2 - Genesis 44:1-34
We have spent four weeks back in Genesis and we have seen Joseph go from prince in his father’s house, to captive of his brothers, to a slave first to Ishmaelite traders and then to Potiphar, then to a falsely accused criminal, and we left him last Sunday as a prisoner in the prison where the enemies of the Pharaoh were held, and all this time the LORD was with him.
Last Sunday we departed from the life of Joseph and focused on Israel’s son Judah and saw how his life was filled with wickedness, immorality, and deception. It was truly a sad start for the son whose descendants would become the royal line. I gave some reasons as to why this chapter was located in this spot and one of those reasons was so that we could see the contrast between Judah and Joseph and how different their lives were from each other.
Two weeks ago we started our final series of Genesis on the life of Joseph, at the end of my message last week Joseph had been sold into slavery by his brothers, they had deceived their father making him believe that Joseph had been killed by a wild beast, and the chapter ended with the information that Joseph had made it to Egypt and was sold to an official of the Pharaoh, the captain of the Pharaoh’s body guard.
As we continue this morning looking at the life of Joseph we are going to be shocked at what hatred and envy can breed. Jeremiah was correct when he wrote, “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9, NASB95)[1] As we look at Joseph and his brothers again this morning we need to continue to look for characteristics and experiences in Joseph’s life that are an example, or point to Jesus Christ.