A Savior is Born, A King is Coming - Isaiah 9:1-7
As I promised last week we will be in the book of Isaiah again, I want to begin look at a prophecy that might be considered the most classic prophecy regarding the coming of Jesus Christ. Again, like last week I would like to look at the background surrounding this prophecy and examine Isaiah’s view of the birth of the Messiah. As I considered just focusing on two verses this morning I began by studying the context surrounding these verses and I thought that it was important to include some of this context in this message.
Last Sunday we had a short break from Genesis as we celebrated Mother’s Day, this week we come back to Genesis and this morning we will finish the book. I began the book of Genesis April 15, 2012, five years ago, we have taken some breaks and done New Testament studies, but it has been a long haul. Some of you have been here since I started, some of you have been added since that time, some have gone on to their eternal home and some are no longer with us.
How is your assignment going? Have you begun to read the book of Revelation? I was serious when I gave you the assignment so please take time to read it over the next three weeks. I have been reading it and preparing my heart to preach through it.